Can I translate the subscription widgets for my multi language store?
We generally have multi-language support (even on our FREE plan) for almost every text in our app (including emails, customer portal and subscription widgets). You can translate those in Seal Subscriptions > Settings > Translations. The only exception are the texts that you set up in the auto-charging subscription rules.
These can be easily translated with Shopify's free "Shopify Translate & Adapt" app ( To translate the subscription rules through Shopify's Translate & Adapt app, you will first have to add a new language to your Shopify store and export the translations from the Translate & Adapt" app, modify them and then import them back to the Translate & Adapt app.
Another option would also be to use another third party app to translate these values.Third party translation apps usually have the capability of translating the dynamic elements. For example, if you are using the Weglot translations app, it should detect them and translate them automatically, but if not, then you will just have to add a class .sealsubs-target-element to the list of dynamic elements in Weglot app. You will then be able to translate the subscription widget for auto-charging subscription rules. In Langify app, you can translate the widgets with a feature called Custom. It allows you to add a custom text and translate it into your desired language.
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